Sunday, April 27, 2014

Monster Cookie Ride 2014

It started with five miles of torrential downpour to get a good soggy base layer but that was followed by 15 miles of sunshine and a great tailwind.  After that you could see and feel the rain coming.  We had silly notions of being able to reach lunch before the rain.  Ten miles of a steady spring shower washed away those delusions, some of the road grit, and at 46 degrees all the sensation from our feet.

As we rolled into lunch the sky parted and we were able to enjoy a few moments of brilliant sunshine.  No one was dry, no one was warm, everyone was grimy.  Yet people were chipper and friendly to an irrational degree.  No one complained when the hot water for tea ran out or at the lack of hand sanitizer.  Mostly people were stoked about the PB, the tortilla chips and the very handy mixed fruit cups carefully assembled by hard working volunteers.  People willingly volunteered space at the portable heater.

Lunch, however, was also the point after which we started heading back and the once helpful tailwind became a headwind.  I won't lie, the headwind was rough.  It was heavy and swirly so in addition to making things generally much more difficult, it tossed us about on the road.  The rain also came back and there was one point where the rain/wind combo felt like being slapped in the face with dozens of tiny pins.  Luckily that only lasted for a few minutes.

The rain was intermittent but the wind was pretty steady for the last 30ish miles.  Due to the wet roads (no fenders) and swirly nature of the wind, drafting was only vaguely applicable.  With at least a dozen miles left I started to lose my sparkle.  I was still of good cheer but the legs were toast and I was ready to be done.

But we made it.  And there were monster cookies and a serious sense of accomplishment at the end.  The car never felt so warm and cozy.

We could have taken the easy route this morning, but then what would I have to write about?


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