Thursday, November 29, 2012

Happy Birthday & 12 Goals for My New Year

It's my birthday and I've been thinking about my next year.  What do I want to do and learn and get out of the next 365 days?  12 goals seems a nice number for the 12 months.  While there is definitely overlap, I have also been categorizing them in terms of body, mind, spirit, planet.  You could argue for some reclassification, but the are my goals so I can do whatever I want with 'em.

I can do anything! Especially if I'm silly!
Run 30 minutes a day for one month: Deceptively simple but is hard to do every single day

Lose 10 pounds: It just needs to happen

Do a half Ironman: Why not? I like swimming, I like biking, I like running, I like experiments with physical limits. Especially in realms where I have little or no experience.

Illahee: The Illahee lecture series is very interesting, I don't know why I don't attend every year

Read 12 books on a new topic: Pick something to learn about and do it!

Start a business: Selling my step-mom's amazing art
Elephants are smart.

Volunteer at least three times: With Friends of Forest Park, the Freshwater Trust, Friends of Trees, etc.

No driving for one month: Gonna be hard to find a month where there isn't some special exception, but that is sorta part of the point

Buy nothing new for one month: Something I dabble in but haven't ever really done
Pearl in her garden

Yoga for 30 minutes a day for one month: I always feel better when I'm practicing the yoga

Pottery class: Attempts at art are good for me

Be silly!! Hard to measure but vital to my spirit


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