Raining Carrots
Okay, it isn't REALLY raining carrots. But it has been raining a lot (way more than cats & dogs, even more than snakes & lizards) and it just so happens that I also have a ton of carrots... So it is kinda like raining carrots, right??
Well, maybe it is a stretch.
But ANYway, I'm house-sitting in the Hudson Valley and it is just plain lovely. I've banished my phone and shun the company of other humans. TAlthough we are being pelted with rain now, the first week it was really warm and summery and I spent huge chunks of the day outside. I biked a bit, went for walks, knitted in the backyard and so on. On Wednesday I found out about a farmers' market in Brewster (about 20 minutes away) and that was where I found myself saddled down with piles of carrots. The women there are wiley. I gave them a dollar and asked for just a couple (as in TWO) carrots - the things were humungoid and two would be enough to sink a battleship. When I protested the five carrots in the bag, the fiends - instead of taking some out - put about five more carrots in the bag. I came away with pounds of carrots. Easily five or six pounds - maybe more. What is a wayward princess, self-banished for two weeks, going to do with heaps of carrots???
Corn & Carrot Quesadillas
Carrot Soup
Yam & Lentil (and Carrot) Stew
Cut Carrots (for nibbling)
Carrot & Apple Muffins
And so on. If the next time you see me I have an orange palor, you'll know it isn't the reflection of the glorious fall leaves, or a strange moldy mildew from the rain, it is the carrots.
Luckily now that summer is totally gone and we are being deluged (can you make deluge into a verb like that?) with buckets of rain, and I'm not taken up with biking and loafing outside, I have a lot of time to hang out inside cooking with carrots.
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