Sunday, March 01, 2015


January 2014 I did a blog-post-a-day thing to kick off the year.  This year we now have a full two months under our belts but I've just a single post (and it is a simple list of a post) to show for it.  Last year I also did pottery all January and February and this year... I didn't sign up in time.

I have been doing 30 minutes or more of yoga every day for 60+ days, which feels pretty fantastic, but I am definitely missing the creative outlet.  As lame as this is, the root problem is work.  I've always had tendencies towards over doing things but in recent years have been (relatively) better about setting boundaries and being realistic.  I've managed to do a great job with my regular job and also spend time with friends, cook, do house projects, be creative, exercise and otherwise feed a well-rounded soul.

Things at work the last few months, however, have been bonkers.  Bonkers busy, bonkers exciting, bonkers stressful.  I'm really excited about where I am and what is before me but it is a lot and I find it pushing into more parts of my heart and mind.   Combined with the dark days of winter and the other usual travails of being mortal it has been a weird and hard winter.

But spring has come (freakishly) early this year and while it isn't a good sign for the snow pack I see it as a chance to reset.  I took two "personal paid time" days last week for a glorious four-day weekend, have a few days at Breitenbush hot springs coming up later this month and am looking forward to our annual Reach the Beach training.

The thing with balance is that it is never permanent.  You practice and hold it for a moment, a breath, an hour, a day.  You breathe in, you get distracted, you teeter this way or that and at some point balance will elude you.  You reset, breathe, smile, try and know you will fall again.  And know that you'll get up again.

Brooke & Chelsea.  Photo Credit Dakota from Traipsing About.

My version of getting up again this year is:
- Restraining myself with regards to work
- Take PPT and vacation days
- Crafty projects (bday cards, book trades)
- Get back in a blogging habit
- Get this here blog template updated before Reach the Beach!


At 9:36 PM, Anonymous Chelsea G said...

Yes to balance and Yes to Breitenbush! See you soon :)


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