Friday, May 09, 2008

Learning to Levitate

I have a hard time going to the gym if I don’t have a concrete, performance-related goal. A triathlon in July, or a 100-mile bike ride on Saturday, for example. Goals like “lose 5 pounds” or “be healthy” have never cut it for me.

So what is my current goal?


I don’t mean I’m taking magic classes and I’m not referring to the spiritual, emotional, karmic or hippy self. I mean I want to physically levitate. Like gymnasts, swimmers, cats, dancers, and other such athletes possessed of such incredible core muscles and flexibility that they are able to move their bodies through space in defiance of gravity.

So how does one train to levitate? Well… I should probably start up with the yoga classes again, but while I drum up the resources for that (both time and monetary) I’m focusing on core strength exercises. Bench press, pull-ups, 18 different back moves, 18 different sit-up and side moves and some good stretching in between.

The dark-chocolate covered oreos are NOT helping. (But they are soooooo good.)


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