Status Report, Bangalore
My approach to internet and e-mail during my time scampering about the country has been that I would rather spend time having fun than spend time trying to get online and deal with e-mail/internet stuff. However, as we are now in Bangalore (India's high-tech hub) and we have about 5 hours before our train leaves for Hospet (near Hampi and some killer ruins) it seemed appropriate to explore one of the hundreds of internet cafes this metropolis has to offer.
Last night we drove from Bangalore to Rishi Valley - a small small place about 3 or 4 hours away where Sweet Pea went to high school. We stayed the night there and spent today exploring the Rishi Valley campus and it was all quite lovely. There was a lot of quiet and calm with trees and flowers everywhere. The accomodations were simple, but nice (and I think we paid a grand total of $6 for the room, showers, breakfast and lunch.) It was fun to see where Sweet Pea was and to see the rooms she lived, ate and went to school in. I think my favorite part, however, were the swarms of butterflies. The place was filthy with 'em. Black and white ones, black and white ones with bright orange spots, little paperwhite ones and more. And all in mass quantity. They also seemed inspired by the kamikazee fighters and had no shyness - which was great.
We also met up with a former classmates of Vaidya's and she talked to us about a rural education program she is working with. It was great - we got to hear all about innovations they are working on and even got to visit a classroom. I won't try to explain it all (the complexities of the problems with the education system in rural areas and the great ways of tackling these problems) but it was very thought provoking and inspiring. I feel a bit like I'm in a one-on-one six week cultural program where I get to intimately random bits of "India's culture." A week at Lok Satta, a day at the LV Prasad Eye Institute, a week at an ashram and yoga center, a day in a rural village looking at the schools, etc. And all with personal guides. Like a suped up version of the sort of programs universities often offer during the summer or in between terms - nothing too academic, more cultural. I'm so lucky to be getting this sort of experience here as opposed to just the normal touristy stuff.
The landscape around here is very dessert like and there are alllll sorts of animals. Loads of cows, bullocks and buffalo with tons of goats (and lil' goatlings too!) scattered everwhere. There are also a fair number of pigs, which I find surprising as Hindus don't eat 'em and Muslims don't eat 'em. It is somewhat mysterious what they are about for. Unless they are like the dogs and belong to no one, fending for themselves and such. Also monkeys abound. And they are mostly the very adorable small grey monkeys. I'm not about to cuddle with them, but they are quite snuggly looking. For those of you who don't know - growing up I had grey sock monkeys the way other little girls had teddy bears or dools. I was inseperable from Fatso, Suzy, Gutso and Bobby. Fatso was named such because one time I puked on him and when he was washed and dried he puffed up. Gutso was so named because he got so worn that he lost all his guts. In the end he was just the mouth (not even the head) safety pinned to the lower parts of his legs.
I guess that's about it for now. In general I am feeling quite well, both in body and in spirit. The "delhi belly" is gone and my normal appetite seems almost restore. Mentally I feel more like "my own self" than I have for quite a while and it is really really great.
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