Friday, September 12, 2008

Day 6, Joseph & Wallowa County (layover day)

And on the sixth day they rested.

The overly domesticated deer at Wallowa Lake. They were wandering around the food tents, the main stage and, obviously, felt quite at home in tent city.

Or at least some of us did. Many whack-o's decided to ride their bikes around on our day off. My Christopher and I, however, were extremely tired, somewhat sore and I couldn't imagine getting up on my bike that day. By the end of day 5 I'd actually started sprinting out of the saddle from time to time just to get my buns off the hard, hard seat. I literally got a chaffed hiney. Believe you me, calluses on your hands might make you rugged, but calluses on your bottom are so not sexy.

So instead of punishing our complaining muscles we loafed. I got a massage, we did a bit of laundry. We hitched a ride to Terminal Gravity brewing company for lunch, wandered around the shops in Joseph (we bought a little thank you present for Chelsea who was checking in on Nenya Kitty) and were generally slothful. Towards the end of the day I wandered into the lake, which felt fantastic on my tired legs. And that is about all for Day 6.

Except for the most amazing shooting star ever. It blazed so long and so bright Christopher had a chance to say, "hey look at that" and I had a chance to swivel my slow human head around, see it and make a wish. I think it was a sign, on our honeymoon, of good things to come.


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